Workshops voor de hele Familie!

FAMILY WORKSHOPS: draw and paint together with the family in a light and cheerful way!

Bij de familie workshops maak je twee kunstwerken. De ene maak je in je eentje en de andere maken jullie samen. We overleggen van tevoren over de opdrachten zodat de opdrachten bij jullie familie passen! Want elke familie is anders…..

During the workshop you will use colored pencils, pastels, acrylic paint, fabrics and large glitter.

The assignments are intuitive and playful. During these workshops we also pay a little attention to the colors you use and the possible meaning of what you have drawn. We do this briefly and in a light-hearted way. These workshops are mainly about having fun, doing something together and creating a family work of art!

You don't have to be a good painter or drawer for these workshops.

Skills / Level:
For this workshop you don't need painting-or drawing experience.

Workshops always include:

  • Verschillende soorten koffie/thee/limonade en koekjes
  • Materiaal en benodigdheden ( verschillende formaten papier, doek, acrylverf, pastelkrijt, stiften, kleurpotloden, etc.)
  • Plastic schort
  • Workshop guidance (During the workshop you will be guided and we will discuss the possible meaning and use of color of your own creation, if you wish.)
Request information or reservation workshop

Request workshop
I usually respond within 1 day. If you have not received a response, please check your spam folder or contact me by telephone.

Duration: app. 2,5 hours

Prijs € 45 per volwassene, € 35 per kind.





Locatie: Schoorl Noord-Holland, of eventueel bij jou op locatie in overleg.

View our other workshops

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